Wayne is an extraordinary healer and man.   I’ve had many different forms of healing/therapy and no one has ever been committed to the process and as available as Wayne has.   However, he had to “prove” himself to me before I would agree to work with him.  I mean how exactly could a man help me to deal with my issues as a woman?  At first I thought I would much rather work with a woman, but now I understand that I need to heal myself in relationship to his divine yang/masculine presence.

Before I met with him, I called two of his seekers to discuss their work with him.   They were insightful/helpful and only said the most positive things about their work with Wayne.  Wayne and I had a number of phone calls before I would agree to meet with him.   He understands women and their need to feel safe as absolutely the foundation of the work.   He has an amazing capacity to help a woman feel this safety in the way he “holds space.”   By the time I had my first session with him I was ready, but that is not to say I had no fear.  Wayne understood this and how he addressed my fears was very reassuring. This work is about healing all bodies including my physical body, but never was the healing experience in any way sexual or confusing because the boundaries were totally crystal clear.   In this clarity is where the healing takes place because women have been given an LOT of mixed messages around their bodies and their sexuality.    Wayne has helped me get clear about my relationship with my body and pleasure by learning to love and unconditionally accept myself.   Like many women, I lost myself in getting so focused on what a man needs/wants and in doing that I gave away my power.  Wayne showed me that I need to love myself unconditionally and his agenda or needs were NEVER part of the process.  His admiration for women and our divine yin power is at his core.

This healing journey is a process and uncomfortable at times, but Wayne has been with me at every turn allowing me to begin to breathe, open up and reveal my true nature/essence.   Of course, I want the “magic pill” or quick fix, but Wayne’s heart-felt love, support and encouragement is very real and healing.  No pill can address my fears, my insecurities, my doubt, but having a companion on the journey has been a tremendous help.

I have experience on both sides of the desk.   As a social worker with over 20 years experience, early on I had some reservations about “energy healing.”  I thought it was too short lived.   My training had only incorporated psychology (mental body), but I came to understand it only addressed a small part of a person’s being.  It wasn’t a “full spectrum” approach to understand a person in their wholeness. It was Wayne that helped me understand “all my bodies” and supported me re-connecting and appreciating my physical body, exploring my emotional body (without having to justify and make sense of my emotions) and cherishing and expanding my spiritual body.

No one has ever worked harder, with such compassion, wisdom and grace to help me re-connect to my higher self than Wayne.   It hasn’t been easy, but every step of the way Wayne has been there regardless of the darkness.   It is in exploring the dark that I am finding my light and my true yin nature.   This is not an easy process, but Wayne “co-creates” the experience and he is there when I fall and when I triumph.   He epitomizes unconditional love and acceptance.   This along with his amazing “tool kit” is why he is known as the “healer for healers.”

Wayne “downloads” every session and each session is as unique as each of his “seekers.”  There is nothing formulaic or cookie cutter about his approach.  He meets his seeker exactly where they need to be.  He knows how to celebrate and encourage, and he knows how to gently push through resistance and fear with his consistent and compassionate presence.

He doesn’t control the process, but rather allows self discovery and the journey to unfold.  He NEVER has any judgment, just divine infinite patience and acceptance.   Wayne is truly a gifted healer, with amazing vision, clarity and ministry.    He has walked the walk and, in knowing this, he is a man of integrity and steadfastness on the healing path with his seeker.

There is no doubt that I am a different woman because of my work with Wayne.   I’ve tried various healing modalities and they all had their usefulness, but Wayne is truly a spiritual being who will go to any length for his own healing and well being, as well as, for his seekers. His mission and passion is to reach as many people as possible and not to heal them, but to walk with them as they discover their true nature/essence and heal themselves.   It is a co-creation and a deeply spiritual and healing process.

I can’t recommend this wise, creative, and compassionate, spiritual man enough.  I am truly grateful for his presence in my life.

– JM, IL

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